2015 |
Dilepton constraints in the Inert Doublet Model from Run 1 of the LHC Genevieve Belanger, Beranger Dumont, Andreas Goudelis, Bjoern Herrmann,Sabine Kraml, Dipan Sengupta [Physical Review D arXiv:1503.07367 CTPU-15-04(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Gravitational waves from domain walls in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model Kenji Kadota (IBS, Daejeon), Masahiro Kawasaki (Tokyo U., ICRR & Tokyo U., IPMU), Kenichi Saikawa (Tokyo Inst. Tech.). [JCAP arXiv:1503.06998 CTPU-15-03(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Degenerate spectrum in the neutrino mass anarchy with Wishart matrices and implications for 0\\nu\\beta\\beta and \\delta_{\\rm CP} Kwang Sik Jeong, Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi [Physical Review D arXiv: 1412.4061 CTPU-14-15(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Probing New Physics with q^2 distributions in B -> D^{(*)} tau nu Yasuhito Sakaki, Minoru Tanaka, Andrey Tayduganov, Ryoutaro Watanabe [Physical Review D arXiv: 1412.3761 CTPU-14-14(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Peccei-Quinn invariant singlet extended SUSY with anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry Sang Hui Im, Min-Seok Seo [JHEP arXiv: 1411.4724 CTPU-14-12(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Improving the sensitivity of stop searches with on-shell constrained invariant mass variables Won Sang Cho, James S. Gainer, Doojin Kim, Konstantin T. Matchev, Filip Moortgat, Luc Pape, Myeonghun Park [JHEP arXiv:1411.0664 CTPU-14-11(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Lepton flavor violation in the supersymmetric seesaw model after the LHC 8 TeV run Toru Goto, Yasuhiro Okada, Tetsuo Shindou, Minoru Tanaka, Ryoutaro Watanabe [Physical Review D arXiv: 1412.2530 CTPU-14-09(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
Higher derivatives and power spectrum in effective single field inflation Jinn-Ouk Gong, Min-Seok Seo, Spyros Sypsas [JCAP arXiv:1407.8268 CTPU-14-07(2015)] Abstract |