2016 |
Using sorted invariant mass variables to evade combinatorial ambiguities in cascade decays Doojin Kim, Konstantin T. Matchev, Myeonghun Park [JHEP arXiv:1512.02222 CTPU-15-20(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Aligned natural inflation with modulations Kiwoon Choi, Hyungjin Kim [Phys.Lett. B arXiv:1511.07201 CTPU-15-19(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Flavor constraints on the Two Higgs Doublet Models of Z 2 symmetric and aligned types Tetsuya Enomoto, Ryoutaro Watanabe [JHEP arXiv:1511.05066 CTPU-15-17(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Realizing the relaxion from multiple axions and its UV completion with high scale supersymmetry Kiwoon Choi, Sang Hui Im [JHEP arXiv:1511.00132 CTPU-15-16(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Axion inflation with cross-correlated axion isocurvature perturbations Kenji Kadota, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hajime Otsuka [JCAP arXiv:1509.04523 CTPU-15-14(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
OPTIMASS: A Package for the Minimization of Kinematic Mass Functions with Constraints Won Sang Cho, James S. Gainer, Doojin Kim, Sung Hak Lim, Konstantin T. Matchev, Filip Moortgat, Luc Pape, Myeonghun Park [JHEP arXiv:1508.00589 CTPU-15-09(2016)] Abstract |
2015 |
Lilith: a tool for constraining new physics from Higgs measurements Jeremy Bernon, Beranger Dumont [Eur.Phys.J. C arXiv:1502.04138 CTPU-15-01(2015)] Abstract |
2015 |
CMB probes on the correlated axion isocurvature perturbation Kenji Kadota, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Takahiko Matsubara [JCAP arXiv:1411.3974 CTPU-14-13(2015)] Abstract |