Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 2020
Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 2020
Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science,
Daejeon, Korea, Feb. 9-14, 2020.
General relativity is now recognized in cosmology and astrophysics as an indispensable theoretical framework. Most striking and brilliant triumphs, such as the expansion of the Universe, black holes, gravitational waves, and lensing are heavily indebted to general relativity. Further, the new discoveries in cosmology and astrophysics in recent days including the LIGO have opened the passage to study and test the nature of gravitation and the evolution of the Universe.
To promote research and education in gravitation and cosmology in the Asia-Pacific region, we have had a series of annual school/workshop on these topics since 2007 in Tainan, Taiwan, with the most recent version being held at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan in Feb 2019. The school/workshop aims to promote understanding in frontier issues in gravitation and cosmology, to put forth a new idea, and to introduce and propose challenging problems to young physicists.
This program consists of two parts. In the school, invited lecturers deliver a series of lectures from introductory to research level to help students and junior researchers to grasp the essence of the cutting-edge developments. In the workshop, participants are expected to give presentations on the recent developments in gravitation and cosmology and are encouraged to have intensive discussions and establish collaborations.
The topics to be covered by the school/workshop include
- gravitational waves
- numerical relativity
- black hole physics
- cosmic microwave background
- early universe
- dark matter and dark energy
- quantum gravity
School lecturers
Hamann, Jan (UNSW, Australia): The Cosmic Microwave Background
Kokkotas, Konstantinos (Univ. Tuebingen, Germany): Numerical studies of neutron star and black hole dynamics
Lee, Seung Joo (CERN, Switzerland): Quantum gravity constraints and their stringy realization
Nielsen, Alex (Univ. Stavanger, Norway): Gravitational Waves
Sarkar, Sudipta (IIT Gandhinagar, India): Black Hole Thermodynamics: General Relativity & Beyond