Non-conventional searches at the LHC
The Synergy from collaborations between theorists and experimentalist in the BSM searches
With TeV Energy scale collider experiments, we are facing unexpected difficulties in the search of the physics beyond the Standard Model, mostly coming from uncertainties in the behavior of QCD. We are also limited to a finite number of modelings of BSM through conventional searches at the LHC.
So far, searches motivated from CMSSM, Simplified models, crossing with Dark matter direct searches (mono-X) have been populated in HEP society. But Collider searches should not be restricted by models that we know well about.
Challenges from TeV Energy scale phenomena can be solved only based on the intensive discussions between BSM theory community and experimental collaborations.
This focused workshop is designed to boost synergy from collaborated efforts between HEP-PH and CMS/ATLAS groups, and to maximize the chance of discoveries with Future colliders including the LHC.
Our main topics to be discussed are following,
Search strategies in BSM hunting
Issues of non-conventional signatures (and related BSM) at Colliders
Reducing corruptions from QCD activities
Adapting Monte Carlo simulations to non-conventional search